Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Some say it's Somerset but it feels more like Texas right now with the searing heat outside. In my polytunnel it's around 50 C in the middle of the day, it's a South American jungle.

The band played last weekend up North in Brampton, twixt Newcastle and Carlisle on the behest of Andy Kershaw who introduced us and the onetime John Peel favourites Half man half Biscuit. So it was a good tent we had though not the main one where I caught some of the more sedate affair of Eric Bibb. I made the classic mistake of picking up someone else's bag at the airport and on opening it found not my leads and washboard but Judy Cook's clothes. Whoops sorry Judy. If you read this I'll send you a record or something as compensation.

Next weekend we're due out to Amsterdam where the a Rolling Stones Fan Club…. the Forty Licks variety are holding a jamboree at the Paradiso Club there on the day before the Stones gig and we are playing as well as a Stones spin off band headed by horn player Tim Rees and who can blame him as they only get to play a few riffs on the Stones show. So that should be one good evening…Will let you know. In general I am not too keen on playing in the same town as The Stones but, hey, it's about the only way I get to meet my brother these days…It's all one big family ain't it???

PS While writing this I'm listening to a free pod cast you get from so check it out!

1 comment:

ambo said...

Few pic's for ya Chris - Thanks for a great gig, make sure you come back to Brampton soon ;)