Monday, February 26, 2007

Zummerzet; March 2007.

Many apologies for not updating this website sooner, but the older you become the less time there is left for everything!

I have changed servers so I hope that the wheels of the invisible web will run a little smoother with this one. I am gearing up for the spring and summer and music events across Europe and elsewhere so as soon as they are put together I shall keep them posted on this site and on

It has been quite a long winter here and very wet of late, which is how it's supposed to be down in this part of the world. One thing is for sure that for those of us who see the cold months out, we really look forward to some sunshine as much as the birds and mammals do. They weather the bad times out in the open and try to survive until there is more food and better conditions for them while we over bloated humans merely turn a switch when we need extra hear or another luxury. This world was not made entirely for mankind, something we would do well to remember; there are so many species we must share this planet with, many who have been here far longer and are just as important as we are.

Keep in touch!

Bye for now,
Chris Jagger.